Data may be preconditioned to be transferred on a switched underlay network to alleviate the data access and transfer rate mismatch, so that large files may be effectively transferred on the network at optical networking speeds.

A data meta-manager service may be provided on the network to interface a data source and/or data target to prepare a data file for transmission, such as by dividing a large file into multiple pieces and causing those pieces to be stored on multiple storage subsystems. The file may then be read from the multiple storage subsystems simultaneously and multiplexed onto scheduled resources on the network. This enables the high bandwidth transfer resource to be filled by a data transfer without requiring the storage subsystem to be augmented to output the data at the network transfer rate. The file may be de-multiplexed at the data target to one or more storage subsystems.

Preconditioning data to be transferred on a switched underlay network

Preconditioning data to be transferred on a switched underlay network

An Inventor: Dr. Tal Lavian


1. Field

2. Description of the Related Art


As described in greater detail herein, a method and apparatus for preconditioning data to be transferred on a switched underlay network alleviates the data access and transfer rate mismatch so that large files may be effectively transferred on the network.

According to one embodiment of the invention, one or more storage meta-managers are provided on the network to interface data source and data target resources to prepare the data files for transmission over the network. Specifically, when a large file is to be transferred over a fast connection, e.g. an optical channel, the meta-manager may precondition the file to be transferred by breaking it into multiple pieces and distributing those pieces between multiple storage subsystems, each of which has access to a network element with access to the switched underlay network resource. When the data has been distributed and is ready to be transferred, the storage resources begin reading and simultaneously provide the data to the network element. The network element multiplexes the data onto the optical channel or otherwise makes the data available to the switched data resource so that the data may be provided at a higher data rate. The file is then passed across the network over the switched underlay network resources and a similar process de-multiplexes the data on the data target end. In this manner a meta-manager may effect the transfer of large files across the network at high data rates using lower data rate storage systems. The data once transferred may optionally be collected and reconditioned into a single file for use by computation and other resources at the data target. The storage resources may be associated with the network element or may be independent of the network element and connected to the network element.